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We have one in our kitchen now. Indeed, it’s just green sheet rock at the moment, but it is a lovely wall, a thing of beauty.

Click me to see some of the recent progress.

It is pretty amazing to see this transformation. The ceiling work alone makes a world of difference, magically changed from popcorn-ish ick to beautiful smoothness. I wish now that I had taken a good “before” pic of it. Ah well, it is etched in my memory, at least.

So before I hit the hay, here’s a link to a quick cell phone movie of the before, for posterity’s sake.


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That’s what the schematic for the kitchen tin order is. Finally.
Layout of kitchen for pressed tin order.
Jamie should be pleased; I know I am.

Tomorrow I will fax it off to The Tinman in TX to be cut and shipped and sometime next week (next week!!!) we should have a completed kitchen.

But for now, to bed for a lovely 6 hours of sleep. I think I might be getting too old for this… Nahhh, never.


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Jamie measureing the wall for our pressed tin.Sizing up. Checking the space…

Yes, the kitchen wall now has structure to it. We’ve been convinced to not tear out the old wall, but rather, like archaeology in reverse, to build a new wall in front of it. So the studs are in place. Jamie’s pictured measuring so we can order the pressed tin that will eventually cover that wall when it is eventually in place. I’m supposed to be drawing it out, at this very moment, so we can fax it to the tin guys tomorrow. Clearly, as I’m writing, I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be be doing, but I’d rather do the drawing tomorrow when my head is fresh and my lines and my math will be much more precise.

To this, much as he did to my endless picture taking earlier today, Jamie would probably give me this face.Jamie giving the camera his stop-taking-my-picture face. But I’m strong, I can take it. And we already know that I am, or rather, am not, a procrastinator. I’ll think about tonight, whilst I dream. Dreams of measurements and of tin.

And in the morning, it’ll flow directly from my dreams onto the page in minutes… When I get around to it.


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